How To Make Money With Online Courses

How To Make Money With Online Courses

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What if you were given the opportunity to get paid just for sharing information with other people? Well, that’s exactly what you can do with online Courses !

The best part of it is that you don’t have to be a formally trained teacher, or educator to make money creating your very own courses online.

If you possess knowledge that other people would be willing to pay for, you can start making money right now, at absolutely no cost to you.

That method gives you the opportunity to teach what you are most passionate about, to share what you love and get paid for doing it.

Consider the different topics that you are most interested in and that people might find useful, for instance :

For example:

  • Do you have a hobby that you are absolutely obsessed with?
  • Are you experienced with website development?
  • Do you know a lot about ANY specific business related topic?

Creating The Course

In order to create your online course, you need to carefully plan what your course will be about, what kind of content-formats will be available to students, and how you plan to deliver modules.

For example, if you planned to create an online course, you would want to start the course off with a basic introduction
to the subject matter, followed by simple hands-on exercises that warm up your students and help them better understand the process.

To simplify training, you might include various content formats such as video guides that show them exactly how to complete every step. You may also thoroughly customize your course, including as manydifferent content types as you wish.

For starters, you need to choose a topic for your course. If you struggle to come up with potential ideas, here is what you could do:

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and when choosing your topic, consider: “What Do You Know?” and “What Do You Enjoy?”

If you teach what you are most passionate about, your course will reflect your personal experiences and expertise for a higher quality program.

  • Define your objective and determine who your audience is. In order to create a high quality course you need to know who your audience is and what they are most interested in.

It’s important to target who your audience before you create your course. This will not only help you target the right audience but it will ensure that your course offers the information that your students are looking for.

  • Brainstorm ideas and think about all the topics you would like to explore before creatung the courses.

Use mind maps to brainstorm ideas – starting with a central idea, root topics and branches that cover different chapters or segments of your course. A mind map provides a graphic representation that will guide you from start to

  • Determine what the best content type is for your audience

The more dynamic content available within your course, the more valuable it will be to your students.

Here are a few content formats that you can offer within your course:

Audio & Video

Video based training is a very popular content type online because it gives students the opportunity to follow along by watching as the instructor shows them key points in the course training.

Screen Capture

You can create screen captures in many different ways but the basis is that as an instructor, you share your screen with your students. This makes it easier to demonstrate how to complete specific tasks.

For that you can use these TOOLS: Camtasia Studio, Screenflow, CamStudio

Documents & Downloads

You can offer a variety of document types including worksheets, mindmaps, charts, reports, checklists, lesson plans, cheat sheets…

It’s also important to provide “takeaway” documents giving your students a chance to reflect on your content later on. Create transcripts, offer “summary sheets” available in PDF format or guides.

Live Session Training

One of the most powerful ways to deliver your content is with live session training where you can schedule meetings with all of your students!

Just remember, people want to take a hands-on approach when learning so provide your students with simple “homework” that keeps them motivated.

Another important step is to choose the right category for your course. You want to make sure that it’s visible to students searching though specific topics on your hosting platform so classify your course appropriately.

And finally, set a price !

You want to price your course reasonably and within industry standard but that it’s also based on the actual course materials included as well as the overall scope and quality.

Last but not least, once your online course is ready to launch, the final step is to begin to promote it on FIVRR for instance !